Dom 372,0m2, 7 pokoi Warszawa, Wilanów
1 zł 0,00 zł/m2
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372,00 m2

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1 662 m2

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Szczegóły oferty 689325

Opis oferty

Luksusowy dom z basenem w urokliwej części Zawad.  NIERUCHOMOŚĆ  Prezentujemy piękny dom z basenem, położony na zamkniętym, strzeżonym osiedlu Villa Natura.   Ta  luksusowa nieruchomość położona jest na jednym z naładniejszych osiedli na warszawskich Zawadach. Właściciele zadbali o nowoczesne ale i ponadczasowe wykończenie wnętrz.  Jedną z największych zalet tego domu jest dbałość o najwyższy standard. Funkcjonalny rozkład pomieszczeń, przepiękny duży ogród, basen. Do tego bezpieczeństwo jakie daje strzeżone osiedle ale też duża prywatność to niewątpliwie atuty które zwrócą uwagę przyszłych właścicieli.  Wnętrza są jasne, pełne światła, urządzone przy współpracy z najlepszymi architektami. Jasne podłogi, przeszklenia, lustra tworzą spójną całość. Na parterze znajduje się hall, kuchnia ze sprzętami renomowanych producentów, jadalnia, przestronny salon i gabinet. To z tej części domu rozpościera się widok na przepiękny ogród z basenem. Dodatkowo na parterze znajduje się tzw. brudna kuchnia i pralnia.    Na piętrze znajdują się cztery komfortowe sypialnie. Na uwagę zasługuje zwłaszcza sypialnia master z pokojem kąpielowym i garderobą. Na przeszklonym poddaszu mieści się gabinet z którego możemy wyjść na duży taras.  Dom w pełni klimatyzowany, sterowany z poziomu telefonu.  W garażu zaparkujemy dwa samochody. Dodatkowe dwa możemy zaparkować przed Nieruchomością.  ROZKŁAD Parter: salon z jadalnią, gabinet, kuchnia, dodatkowa robocza kuchnia, WC, pralnia/pomieszczenie gospodarcze, garderoba, garaż na 2 samochody, kotłownia. Piętro: sypialnia master z garderobą,  łazienką i balkonem, 2 pokoje dziecięce, pokój gościnny, 2 łazienki, taras. Poddasze: gabinet/siłownia, taras. Ogród: taras ze strefą relaksu kryty sterowaną elektrycznie pergolą, basen. LOKALIZACJA Zawady, będące częścią dzielnicy Wilanów to jedna z najpopularnieszych części miasta, zwłaszcza dla rodzin z dziećmi.  W okolicy znajdziemy pole golfowe, klub jeździecki i całoroczne korty tenisowe. Spacerowicze docenią bliskość terenów na Wisłą a także Parku Królewskiego w Wilanowie. Okolicę wyróżnia świetna oferta edukacyjna. Działają tu renomowane szkoły i przedszkola. Blisko znajdują się chociażby American School od Warsaw, Akademeia, czy Szkoła Europejska. Kilka minut jazdy samochodem dzieli nieruchomość od kameralnego CH Plac Vogla, a także od Royal Wilanów.  Jeśli poszukują Państwo innych ofert w podobnych kryteriach, zapraszam do kontaktu! Jako agencja nieruchomości pobieramy wynagrodzenie w formie prowizji. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Luxurious house with a swimming pool in a charming part of Zawady. PROPERTY We present a beautiful house with a swimming pool, located in a closed, guarded Villa Natura housing estate. This luxurious property is located in one of the most beautiful housing estates in Warsaw's Zawady district. The owners took care of a modern but timeless interior finish. One of the greatest advantages of this house is the attention to the highest standard. Functional room layout, beautiful garden, swimming pool. In addition, the security provided by a guarded estate and great privacy are undoubtedly advantages that will attract the attention of future owners. The interiors are bright, full of light, decorated in cooperation with the best architects. Light floors, glazing and mirrors create a coherent whole. On the ground floor there is a hall, a kitchen with equipment from renowned manufacturers, a dining room, a spacious living room and an office. This part of the house offers a view of the beautiful garden with a swimming pool. Additionally, on the ground floor there is the so-called dirty kitchen and laundry room. There are four comfortable bedrooms on the first floor. Particularly noteworthy is the master bedroom with a bathing room and a dressing room. In the glazed attic there is an office from which we can go out to a large terrace. The house is fully air-conditioned, controlled via telephone. We will park two cars in the garage. We can park an additional two in front of the property. LAYOUT  Ground floor: living room with dining room, study, kitchen, additional work kitchen, toilet, laundry/utility room, dressing room, garage for 2 cars, boiler room. First floor: master bedroom with dressing room, bathroom and balcony, 2 children's rooms, guest room, 2 bathrooms, terrace. Attic: office/gym, terrace. Garden: terrace with a relaxation zone covered with an electrically controlled pergola, swimming pool. LOCATION Zawady, part of the Wilanów district, is one of the most popular parts of the city, especially for families with children. In the area you will find a golf course, a horse riding club and year-round tennis courts. Walkers will appreciate the proximity of the Vistula River and the Royal Park in Wilanów. The area is distinguished by its excellent educational offer. There are renowned schools and kindergartens here. The American School of Warsaw, Akademeia, and the European School are nearby. The property is a few minutes' drive from the intimate Plac Vogla shopping center and Royal Wilanów. If you are looking for other offers with similar criteria, please contact me! As a real estate agency, we charge a  commission. Luxurious house with a swimming pool in a charming part of Zawady. PROPERTY We present a beautiful house with a swimming pool, located in a closed, guarded Villa Natura housing estate. This luxurious property is located in one of the most beautiful housing estates in Warsaw's Zawady district. The owners took care of a modern but timeless interior finish. One of the greatest advantages of this house is the attention to the highest standard. Functional room layout, beautiful garden, swimming pool. In addition, the security provided by a guarded estate and great privacy are undoubtedly advantages that will attract the attention of future owners. The interiors are bright, full of light, decorated in cooperation with the best architects. Light floors, glazing and mirrors create a coherent whole. On the ground floor there is a hall, a kitchen with equipment from renowned manufacturers, a dining room, a spacious living room and an office. This part of the house offers a view of the beautiful garden with a swimming pool. Additionally, on the ground floor there is the so-called dirty kitchen and laundry room. There are four comfortable bedrooms on the first floor. Particularly noteworthy is the master bedroom with a bathing room and a dressing room. In the glazed attic there is an office from which we can go out to a large terrace. The house is fully air-conditioned, controlled via telephone. We will park two cars in the garage. We can park an additional two in front of the property. LAYOUT Ground floor: living room with dining room, study, kitchen, additional work kitchen, toilet, laundry/utility room, dressing room, garage for 2 cars, boiler room. First floor: master bedroom with dressing room, bathroom and balcony, 2 children's rooms, guest room, 2 bathrooms, terrace. Attic: office/gym, terrace. Garden: terrace with a relaxation zone covered with an electrically controlled pergola, swimming pool. LOCATION Zawady, part of the Wilanów district, is one of the most popular parts of the city, especially for families with children. In the area you will find a golf course, a horse riding club and year-round tennis courts. Walkers will appreciate the proximity of the Vistula River and the Royal Park in Wilanów. The area is distinguished by its excellent educational offer. There are renowned schools and kindergartens here. The American School of Warsaw, Akademeia, and the European School are nearby. The property is a few minutes' drive from the intimate Plac Vogla shopping center and Royal Wilanów. If you are looking for other offers with similar criteria, please contact me! As a real estate agency, we charge a commission.
Numer oferty: 689325

Statystyki ogłoszenia:



Warszawa, Wilanów