## A History of Innovation: From Basic to Advanced Get more details https://travelerschat.com/scuba-diving/what-is-the-scuba-diving-mouthpiece-called/ **6. ** **Cave Diving Mouthpieces:** Cave diving mouthpieces are often designed with a special feature called a ""saliva trap,"" which helps to prevent saliva from entering the regulator. This is important in cave diving because the regulator can become easily contaminated with saliva, which can lead to malfunctions. Here are some key things to consider when choosing the right mouthpiece: Here are some key safety aspects of the mouthpiece: * **Solutions:** Adjust your bite, ensure the mouthpiece is properly seated in your mouth, and check for any tears or cracks in the mouthpiece. If necessary, replace the mouthpiece. ## The Mouthpiece as a Vital Safety Component
Scottgar 19.09.2024 09:58

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